Digitized Botanical Illustrations

November 14, 2019
thumbnail of Botanical Illustrations CURIOUSity website

The Botany Libraries has a new website to view recently digitized original botanical illustrations - http://nrs.harvard.edu/urn-3:hul.eresource:botanicalillustrations.

We have been working with the Harvard Library to utilize their newly developed platform for web exhibits. CURIOSity allows for searches across multiple collections and faceting. For example, a search of Viola will yield 38 images from 5 different collections.

Twenty-three of our collections are currently being displayed on the Botanical Illustrations CURIOSity site. We will be adding more materials to the site as this project, digitizing nearly 7,000 botanical illustrations, is completed.

Many thanks to FAS for funding the conservation and digitization of these botanical illustrations and the Harvard Library for this discovery tool.

For more information on original artwork in the Botany Libraries, see https://huh.harvard.edu/pages/illustrations-artwork.

Diane M. Rielinger
Digital Projects Librarian
Botany Libraries