Botanical Teaching Posters Collection

Educational wallcharts were designed for classroom use in the early 1800's. They were first made in small format and depicted simple scenes and objects for primary school teaching. Around 1870 wallcharts were produced and sold in large quantities not only for primary schools but also for higher education. Several factors contributed to the use of wallcharts. Lithography was invented in the late 1700's and made possible the production of large color prints at a reasonable price. In the nineteenth century in Germany the educational system underwent major reform. In 1852 the average schoolteacher had 136 students in their classroom. It was difficult to pass engravings around a classroom and almost impossible to show students the view through a microscope. Large wall images could be viewed from almost every corner of the classroom and became popular with instructors. Botanische Wandtafeln, or, Botanical Wallcharts, show anatomical and morphological details of plants. The Botany Libraries and Archives own several incomplete sets of Botanische Wandtafeln, among them charts by Leopold Kny, Alios Pokorny, Engleder, Hartinger and Schlitzberger.

Please contact the Archivist if you would like to make an appointment to view the wallcharts, or have any questions or comments.

Please note some of the wall charts are extremely fragile and may be restricted.

Levant Cotton


Bucchi, Massimiano. (1998) Images of Science in the Classroom: Wallcharts and Science Education 1850-1920. The British Journal for the History of Science, Vol. 31, No. 2, pp. 161-184.

Schmid, Rudolph. (1990) Wall Charts (Wandtafeln) - Remembrance of Things Past. Taxon, Vol. 39, pp. 471-472.

Bollmann Teaching Posters

Auslandische Kulturpflanzen in Farbigen Wandtafeln (German Botanical Teaching Posters)

The archives has a set of reproductions made in color, which are available to view in smaller format of most, but not all, wallcharts in this collection. See HOLLIS record for more details.

Economic Botany Archives of Oakes Ames

Kaffeebaum (Coffe arabica L.)
Zuckerrohr (Saccharum officinarum L.)

Kakaobaum (Theobroma cacao L.)
I. Abteilung
Tafel 1: Krautige Baumwolle (Gossypium herbaceum Linne) HOLLIS
Tafel 2: Virginischer Tabak (Nicotiana Tabacum Linne) HOLLIS
Tafel 3: Kaffeebaum (Coffe arabica Linne) HOLLIS
Tafel 4: Theestrauch (Thea chinensis Linne) HOLLIS
Tafel 5: Kakaobaum (Theobroma cacao Linne) HOLLIS
Tafel 6: Zuckerrohr (Saccharum officinarum Linne) HOLLIS
Tafel 7: Gemeiner Mandelbaum (Prunus amygdalus Stokes) HOLLIS
Tafel 8: Limone oder Citrone (Citrus limonum Risso) HOLLIS
Tafel 9: Vanille (Vanilla planifolia Andrews) HOLLIS
Tafel 10: Ceylon-Zimtbaum (Cinnamomum ceylanicum Breyn) HOLLIS
Tafel 11: Schwarzer Pfeffer (Piper nigrum Linne) HOLLIS
Tafel 12: Nelkenpfeffer (Pimenta officinalis Berg) HOLLIS
Tafel 13: Gewurznelkenbaum (Jambosa Caryophyllus Nidenzu) HOLLIS
Tafel 14: Echter Ingwer (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) HOLLIS
Tafel 15: Echter Muskatnussbaum (Myristica fragrans Houttuyn) HOLLIS
Tafel 16: Edler Lorber (Laurus nobilis Linne) HOLLIS
Tafel 17: Fieberrindenbaum (Cinchona Calisaya, var. Josephiana Weddell) HOLLIS
Tafel 18: 1. Mais (Zea Mays Linne) 2. Reis (Oryza sativa Linne)
Tafel 19: Maniok-oder Cassavestrauch (Maninot esculenta Pohl) HOLLIS
Tafel 20 Guyana-Kautschukbaum (Heva guyanensis Aublet)
Tafel 21 Schonbluhende Kautschukliane (Landolphia comorensis, var. florida K. Schumann)
Tafel 22 Gultaperchabaum (Palaquium Gutta Burck)
Tafel 23 *Not in collection


Gummi-Akazie (Acacia senegal Willdenow)
Weinrebe (Vitis vinifera L.)

Kakaobaum Brechnussbaum (Strychnos nux vomica L.)

II. Abteilung
Tafel 1: Eingerollte Farnpalme (Cycas circinalis Linne) HOLLIS
Tafel 2: Dattelpalme (Phoenix dactylifera Linne) HOLLIS
Tafel 3: Drachenblutrotang (Calamus Draco Willdenow) HOLLIS
Tafel 4: Kokospalme (Cocos nucifera Linne) HOLLIS
Tafel 5: Wohlriechender Schraubenbaum (Pandanus odoratissimus Linne) HOLLIS
Tafel 6: Bambusrohr (Bambusa Schreber) HOLLIS
Tafel 7: Ananas (Ananas sativas Schult)  HOLLIS
Tafel 8: Neuseelandischer Flachs (Phormium tenax Forster) Amerikanische Agave (Agave americana Linne) HOLLIS
Tafel 9: Angebauter Yams (Dioscorea sativa Linne) has water damage HOLLIS
Tafel 10; Krokus (Crocus sativus Linne) Kappernstrauch (Cappans spinosa Linne) HOLLIS
Tafel 11: Echte Banane (Musa paradisiaca [sapientum is written in pencil above paradisiaca] Linne) HOLLIS
Tafel 12: Arrowrootpflanze (Maranta arundinacea Linne) HOLLIS
Tafel 13: Gemeiner Walnussbaum (Juglans regia L) HOLLIS
Tafel 14: Gewohnlicher Feigenbaum (Ficus carica Linne) HOLLIS
Tafel 15: Schlitzblatteriger Brotfruchtbaum (Artocarpus incisa [altilis is written in pencil above incisa] Forst) HOLLIS
Tafel 16: Edelkastanie (Castanea vulgaris [dentata is written in pencil above vulgaris] Lamarck) HOLLIS
Tafel 17: Kork Eiche (Quercus Suber Linne) HOLLIS
Tafel 18: Ramiepflanze (Boehmeria tenacissima Roxb) HOLLIS
Tafel 19: Indigopflanze (Indigofera tinctoria Linne) HOLLIS
Tafel 20: Gummi-Akazie (Acacia Senegal Willdenow) HOLLIS
Tafel 21: Weinrebe (Vitis vinifera Linne) HOLLIS
Tafel 22: Olbaum (Olea europaea Linne) HOLLIS
Tafel 23: Batae Ipomoea Batatas Lamarck HOLLIS
Tafel 24: Brechnussbaum (Strychnos nux vomica Linne) HOLLIS


Afrikanische Olpalme (Elaeis guineensis L.)
Erdnuss (Arachis hypogaea L.)

Indischer Mangobaum (Mangifera indica L.)

III. Abteilung
Tafel 1: Mohrenhirse (Andropogon Sorghum Brotero, var. Durrha) HOLLIS
Tafel 2: Erdmandel (Cyperus esculentus L.) Negerhirse (Pennisetum typhoideum Rich.) HOLLIS
Tafel 3: Afrikanische Olpalme (Elaeis guineensis Linne) HOLLIS
Tafel 4: Kleinfruchtige Elfenbeinpalme (Phytelephas microcarpa Ruiz et Pavon) HOLLIS
Tafel 5: Kleinfruchtige Elfenbeinpalme (Phytelephas microcarpa Ruiz et Pavon) HOLLIS
Tafel 6: Malabar Cardamome (Elettaria Cardamomum White et Maton) HOLLIS
Tafel 7: Kampferbaum (Cinnamomum Camphora Nees et Eberm.) HOLLIS
Tafel 8: Amerikanischer Kopalbaum, Lokustbaum (Hymenaea Courbaril L.) HOLLIS
Tafel 9: Kampecheholzbaum (Haematoxylon campecheanum Linne) HOLLIS
Tafel 10: Kretischer Tragantstrauch (Astragalus creticus Lamarck) HOLLIS
Tafel 11: Erdnuss (Arachis hypogaea Linne) HOLLIS
Tafel 12: Indischer Mangobaum (Mangifera indica L.) HOLLIS
Tafel 13: Mate- Pflanze, Paraguay- Theestrauch HOLLIS
Tafel 14: Affenbrotbaum (Adansonia digitata L.) HOLLIS
Tafel 15: Kola-Baum (Cola acuminata R. Brown) HOLLIS
Tafel 16: Echter Gummiguttbaum (Garcinia Hanburyi Hooker L.) HOLLIS
Tafel 17: Melonenbaum (Carica Papaya Linne) HOLLIS
Tafel 18: Afrikanischer Butterbaum (Butyrospermum Parkii Kotschy) Mahwabaum (Illipe latifolia Engler) HOLLIS
Tafel 19: Ebenholzbaum (Diospros Dalechamps) HOLLIS
Tafel 20: Schonbluhende Kautschukliane (Landolphia comorensis, var. florida K. Schumann) HOLLIS
Tafel 21 *Not in collection
Tafel 22: Indischer Sesam (Sesamum indicum Linne) Weisser Sesam (Sesamum orientale Linne) HOLLIS



Cryptogamic Wall Charts

R. Deutsch's tafel essbarer pilze
Unsere verbreiteten giftigen pilze


  1. Bush, Moss life cycle. [1 wall chart: color; 119 x 93 cm] HOLLIS
  2. Common mould and ferment plant. [colored chart; 82 cm x 104 cm]. HOLLIS
  3. Deutsch, R. Deutsch's tafel essbarer pilze. [Library holds two copies] [1 wall chart: color illustration; 59 cm. x 84 cm. (23 x 15 cm., folded)] HOLLIS
  4. Ehrlich,  Mucorineae: mucor. [1 black and white chart; 152 cm. x 98 cm] HOLLIS
  5. Ehrlich,  Mucorineae: mucor, rhizopus. [1 black and white chart; 152 cm. x 98 cm] HOLLIS
  6. Ehrlich,  Ustilagineae. 1, Ustilago tragopogonis. [1 black and white chart; 152 cm. x 98 cm] HOLLIS
  7. Grosjean, Les champignons vénéneux de France et d'Europe: a l'école primaire & dans la famille: en six leçons [Chart is broken in two pieces] [1 wall chart (color; 44 x 60 cm.)] HOLLIS
  8. Mazimann, Les champignons qui font mourir. [colored illustration; 81 x 67 cm.] HOLLIS
  9. Murrill, Edible and poisonous mushrooms [1 wall chart (colored ; 95 x 74 cm.)] HOLLIS
  10. Raschke, Tafel essbarer Pilze. [1 wall chart: color lithograph; 91 x 32 cm.] HOLLIS
  11. Raschke, Tafel giftiger und verdächtiger Pilze. [1 wall chart: color lithograph; 84 x 57 cm. (unfolded)] HOLLIS
  12. Rinewnaldo, Safe-pik mushroom identification cards. [Library holds two copies]  HOLLIS
  13. Schlitzberger, Unsere häufigeren essbaren Pilze in 23 naturgetreuen und feinkolorierten Abbildungen: nebst kurzer Beschreibung und Anleitung zum Einsammeln und zur Zubereitung [colored chart; 62cm  x 83 cm.] HOLLIS
  14. Schlitzberger, Unsere häufiger vorkommenden essbaren Pilze: im Auftrage Königlicher Regierung nach der Natur [chart, colored; 62 x 85 cm.] HOLLIS
  15. Schlitzberger, Unsere verbreiteten giftigen pilze: naturgetreu nach ihren Entwicklungstufen 18 fein kolorirten Gruppenbildern nebst Artbeschreibung und Anleitung zur Pilzkenntnis in chemischer und toxikologischer Hinsicht [colored chart 62 x 83 cm.] HOLLIS
  16. Stelin, Aftonbladets & Nordiska kompaniets svampkarta [1 wall chart, color ill.; 118 x 81 cm.] HOLLIS
  17. Stokes, Marchantia Life Cycle. [1 wall chart,color; 79 x 56 cm.] HOLLIS
  18. Tosco, Funghi comunemente raccolti in Piemonte e di cui si permette la vendita. [color; 34 cm x 37 cm]. HOLLIS
  19. Våra Svampar och deras användning i hushället [1 colored chart; 81 cm. x 117 cm.] HOLLIS

Additional cryptogamic wall charts are available in the Leopold Kny, Miscellaneous and Turtox collections.

Engleder Wandtafeln

Economic Botany Archives of Oakes Ames

Tilia ulmifolia

Levant Cotton

Engleder Botanical Charts:

Common Beet (Beta Vulgaris var. Rapacea) - HOLLIS
Levant Cotton (Gossypium herbaceum)
Tilia ulmifolia
Buckwheat - HOLLIS

Hartinger Wallcharts

Economic Botany Archives of Oakes Ames

Tafel XIII

Tafel IX


Hartinger Chart Botanik Tafel IX: HOLLIS
Fig. 1 - Vergissmeinnicht 
Fig. 2 - Heidelbeere 
Fig. 3 - Preibelbeere 
Fig. 4 - Sonnenblume 
Fig. 5 - Fruhlings - Schlusselblume
Fig. 6 - Rother Fingerhut

Hartinger Chart Botanik Tafel XI
Fig. 1 - Ganseblumchen 
Fig. 2 - Majoran 
Fig. 3 - Salbei 
Fig. 4 - Echter Lavendel 
Fig. 5 - Kaffeebaum 
Fig. 6 - Flieder 
Fig. 7 - Schwarzer Holunder

Hartinger Chart Botanik Tafel XIII
Fig. 1 - Meadow Saffron 
Fig. 2 - Hops
Fig. 3 - Common daphne 
Fig. 4 - Onion 
Fig. 5 - Vanilla
Fig. 6 - Garlic


Leopold Kny Wallcharts

Farlow Library of Cryptogamic Botany
Tafel XXXI

Tafel XLV


Botanische Wandtafeln Sign
Tafel III: Krystallformen des oxalsauren kalkes
Tafel VIII: Brassica napus
Tafel IX: Saccharum officinarum
Tafel XXXI: Rivularia bullata
Tafel XXXVI: Pelvetia canaliculata
Tafel XLV: Botrydium granulatum
Tafel XLVI: Botrydium granulatum
Tafel XLVII: Botrydium granulatum
Tafel XLVIII: Botrydium granulatum
Tafel LI: Pinus silvestris
Tafel LVII: Vicia faba
Tafel LXII: Syringa vulgaris
Tafel LXIII: Sphaeroplea annulina
Tafel LXIV: Sphaeroplea annulina
Tafel LXV: Sphaeroplea annulina
Tafel LXXXVII: Delegates alata
Tafel LXXIX: Dracaena Draco
Tafel LXXXVI: Marchantia polymorpha
Tafel LXXXIX: Marchantia polymorpha

See HOLLIS record.

Miscellaneous Charts

  • Bush. Pine life cycle. HOLLIS 
  • Corn Products Refining Company. King Corn. HOLLIS
  • Gebrüder Wollenhaupt. Black tea. HOLLIS
  • Hammond. Twenty-five wild flowers of roadsides and fields common in New England. HOLLIS
  • Histoire naturelle: règne végétal (plantes): Dicotylédones (graines à 2 cotylédons). HOLLIS
  • Instituto de Biociências da Universidade de São Paulo. Departamento de Ecologia Geral. Campos rupestres das serras Brasileiras. HOLLIS
  • Kaslof. Herb and ailment cross reference chart. HOLLIS
  • Kohl. Pinus sylvestris L. HOLLIS
  • McCracken. Stem structure: Aristolochia. HOLLIS 
  • Meierhofer. Das Leitungs- und Festigkeitsgewebe. HOLLIS
  • Meierhofer. Die Zelle und ihre Teilung. HOLLIS
  • Morton. Plants poisonous to people.  HOLLIS
  • New York Botanical Garden. Guide to ferns of the United States. HOLLIS
  • Noah. Lilly life cycle. HOLLIS
  • Otto. Botanische wandtafeln. Puccinia grammis SAB 8.
  • Planet. Principaux ennemis des osiers présentés par les oseraies d'Armentières par Oulchy-le-Château (Aisne) HOLLIS
  • Pollen grains. HOLLIS
  • Schultes. Plant hallucinogens: sacred elements of native societies.  HOLLIS
  • Shoemaker. Fern life cycle. HOLLIS
  • Spaltpilze oder Bakterien. HOLLIS
  • Stevenson. A toxicological table shewing the symptoms, treatment, and methods of detecting the various mineral, vegetable and animal poisons. HOLLIS
  • Stokes. Marchantia life cycle. HOLLIS
  • Taschenberg. Wandtafel zur darstellung der reblaus und der Blutlaus : mit erklärendem Texte für Schule und Haus. HOLLIS

Pokorny Wallcharts

Economic Botany Archives of Oakes Ames

  1. Flax Linum [30.5" x 23"] HOLLIS
  2. Orange Lily [30.5" x 22"] HOLLIS
  3. Norway Maple [30.5" x 22"] HOLLIS
  4. Thorn Apple [30.5" x 22.75"] HOLLIS
  5. Belladonna [30.5" x 22.75"] HOLLIS
  6. Fox Glove [30.5" x 23"] HOLLIS
  7. Garden Poppy [30.5" x 22.5"] HOLLIS
  8. Crowfoot [30.5" x 23"] HOLLIS
  9. Hazelnut [30.5" x 23.75"] HOLLIS
  10. Bean [30.5" x 22.75"] HOLLIS
  11. Hop [30.5" x 22.5"] HOLLIS
  12. Daphne [30.5" x 23"] HOLLIS
  13. Nightshade [30.5" x 23"] HOLLIS
  14. Tobacco [30.5" x 23"] HOLLIS
  15. European Olive [30.5" x 23"] HOLLIS
  16. Wood Strawberry [30.5" x 23"] HOLLIS
  17. Hog's Bean [30.5" x 23"] HOLLIS
  18. Herb Paris [30" x 23"] HOLLIS
  19. Vine [30" x 23"] HOLLIS
  20. Cotton Plant [30.5" x 23"] HOLLIS
  21. Coffee Tree [30" x 23"] HOLLIS
  22. Apple Tree [30.5" x 22.75"] HOLLIS
  23. Sweet Turnip [30.5" x 23"] HOLLIS
  24. Flower of the Beet [36" x 23"] HOLLIS
  25. Potato [36" x 23.5"] HOLLIS
  26. Rape [36" x 23.5"] HOLLIS
  27. Rye [36" x 23.5"] HOLLIS
  28. Barley [36" x 23.5"] HOLLIS
  29. Wheat [36" x 23.5"] HOLLIS
  30. Oats [36" x 23"] HOLLIS
  31. Water Hemlock [36" x 23.5"] HOLLIS
  32. Spotted Hemlock [36" x 23"] HOLLIS


Schlitzberger Wort und Bild dargestellt

The Library of the Arnold Arboretum

VI Series, Tafel 1 (The Oak)

Tafel 2 (The Hazelnut)


Die Kulturgewächse der Heimat, VI Series, Tafel 1 (The Oak)
Die Kulturgewächse der Heimat, VI Series, Tafel 2 (The Hazelnut)

See HOLLIS record.

Additional Schlitzberger wall charts are in the Cryptogamic collection.

Turtox Class Room Charts

  • CR 50.022: Industrial microbiology. 2, Fungi and their products HOLLIS
  • CR 50.1: Volvox HOLLIS
  • CR 50.10: Chlamydomonas HOLLIS
  • CR 50.12: Volvocales HOLLIS
  • CR 51: Spriogrya HOLLIS
  • CR 53: Oedogonium HOLLIS
  • CR 54: Vaucheria HOLLIS
  • CR 54.1: Chara HOLLIS
  • CR 55: Ectocarpus HOLLIS
  • CR 56: Fucus HOLLIS
  • CR 56.1: Diatoms HOLLIS
  • CR 57: Polysiphonia HOLLIS
  • CR 57.1: Kelps HOLLIS
  • CR 57.41: Enteromorpha HOLLIS
  • CR 58.01: Slime molds HOLLIS
  • CR 58.02: Yeast HOLLIS
  • CR 58.5: Penicillium and Aspergillus HOLLIS
  • CR 58.6: Dutch Elm disease (Cephalosporium sp.) HOLLIS
  • CR 88.07: Rubber (Hevea braziliensis) HOLLIS
  • CR 88.08: Hemp HOLLIS
  • CR 88.2: Food plants of the New World [sic] HOLLIS