Tabebuia – 1 item.

Tamarindus – 9 items, including Agriculture News 1908 “Uses of Tamarind Seeds.”

Tamarix – 6 items, including Science New Letter 1930 “Manna.”

Tannin – 24 items, including The Agriculture News 1913 “Wattle Bark,” Boston Globe 1982 “Hundreds in Miami flock to ’miracle tree’ for cures,” Nature Magazine 1924 “Tannin for Strengthening Leather.”

Tanning – 1 clipping.

Tapa – 4 items, including Field Museum News 1933 “Bark Cloth.”

Taraxacum – 12 items, including The New York Times 1983 “For Spring, Dandelion Greens,” Boston Globe 1980 “Nutrition in the Wilderness,” The Garden Magazine 1914 “Dandelions – to eat and drink.”

Taxodium – 3 items.

Taxus – 6 items.

Tea 1 (up to 1930s) – 38 items, including “Cup Reading” by Salada Tea Co., Scientific American 1918 “Tea–chest Manufacture in India,” Esquire 1937 “Plant of Heaven: Rescuing tea from women’s clubs, and restoring it to its rightful, warm–bellied, full flavored status,” Boston Traveler 1939 “History of Tea Trade is Interesting Story.”

Tea 2 (1940s–1970s) – 27 items, including New York Times 1972 “Trouble for Ceylonese Tea,” New York Times 1972 “Tea, the Staff of Pakistani Life,” New York Times 1976 “The Unsnobbish Way to Brew English Tea,” Pastimes 1975 “Tea: Lore, Legends and Layman’s Guide.”

Tea 3 (1980s –) – 28 items, including The New York Times 1983 “Finding the Rich Brew Called Irish Tea,” The New York Times 1983 “Boston’s Nonstop Tea Party.”

Tea Substitute – 5 clippings.

Teak – 5 clippings.

Tephrosia – The Agriculture News 1917 “Tephrosia purpurea as a Dye Plant,” The Agriculture News 1911 “A Glucoside from Tephrosia purpurea.” The Texas Horticulturalist – 15 selected issues, 1982 – 1983

Textiles – 11 items, including The Boston Globe 1983 “Robe from 1000 BC found on Greek Island.”

Theobroma – 11 items, including The Times, London, Oct. 4, 1980 “Couple accused of ’Chocolate Spying’ attempt,” Newsweek April 4, 1983 “America’s great chocolate binge.”

Thespesia – 1 clipping.

Thuja – 2 clippings.

Thymol – 7 items, including The Agriculture News 1915 “The Production of Thymol.”

Thymus – 4 items, including The New York Times 1980 “Thyme, the Versatile Scented Groundcover,” Boston Globe 1926 “Wild Thyme.”

Tilia – 4 clippings, including The Boston Globe 1927 “Basswood, Linden or Lime.”

Tillandsia – 6 items, including Scientific American 1916 “Spanish Moss,” New York Herald Tribune 1940 “Combing the Hair of the Jungle.”

Timber 1 – 9 items, including The New York Times 1981 “Timber Concerns Fail to Draw Bids,” Scientific American 1919 “The Wood Treatment Used in Denmark,” Christian Science Monitor 1973 “Using Every Splinter.”

Timber 2 – 38 items, including The Boston Globe 1982 “Timber theft becomes big problem,” Scientific American 1926 “Branding Timber by Machinery,” American Forests 1928 “How Long Will Our Sawtimber Last?,” Natural History 1938 “Green Gold.”

Tobacco 1 (up to 1920s) – 65 items, including Scientific American 1921 “The Fragrant Weed,” Boston Globe 1926 “Night Blooming Tobacco,” Poster–sized advertisement for Old Gold Cigarettes from 1929 (fragile condition), Nature Magazine 1924 “Tobacco – The Plant of Peace,” The Boston Evening Transcript 1928 “Tobacco Fashions.”

Tobacco 2 (1930s–1940s) – 41 items, including Science News Letter 1931 “Smoking found to dull man’s sense of taste,” New York Times 1937 “Tobacco Use Now Near 1917 Record,” The Saturday Evening Post 1935 “The World’s First Tobacco Advertisement,” The United States Daily 1930 “Cigarette Production to Date is Billion Ahead of Last Year.”

Tobacco 3 (1950s–1960s) – 12 items, including an oversized map of tobacco growing districts in the United States 1955 (folded).

Tobacco 4 – 28 items, including Agriculture Canada 1974 “Tobacco in Canada,” The Boston Globe 1982 “Does Everything Cause Cancer?,” American Scientist 1971 “The Health Menace of Tobacco,” The New York Times 1980 “Zimbabwe’s Tobacco Woes.”

Tomato – 37 items, including The Times (London) 1978 “Danes successfully cross tomato and potato,” The New York Times 1981 “Campbell Seeking a Better Tomato,” The Gardener’s Chronicle 1927 “History of the Tomato,” The Agriculture News 1918 “Utilization of Waste Tomato Seeds and Skins,” The Boston Globe 1982 “Confessions of a tomato freak.”

Torreya – The Botanical Gazette 1885 “Torreya taxifolia, Arnott.”

Touchardia – 3 clippings, including The Literary Digest 1918 “The World’s Strongest Fiber.”

Toxicodendron – The New York Times 1977 “Personal Health,” The Times 1983 “Ancient lacquer yields its secrets.”

Trachycarpus – 1 clipping.

Trapa – 4 clippings, including Horticulture 1942 “Water Chestnut Used for Food.”

Travel – 19 items, including Scientific Monthly 1928 “Botanizing on Barro Colorado Island, Panama,” Scientific Monthly 1929 “The Everglades,” The Garden Magazine 1913 “Curious History of the Cinnamon Vine,” The Garden Magazine 1923 “Travel Tales of a Plant Collector,” The Boston Globe 1974 “New Plant Life Found in Venezuela.”

Trees – 53 items, including The New York Times 1975 “How nature perpetuates trees: defenses against predators,” China Reconstructs 1980 “The Chinese Dove Tree,” Sundancer 1975 “Where to Find the Forests in California,” misc. pamphlets.

Tricholaena – 1 clipping of image.

Trifolium – The New York Times 1981 “A Lucky Crop Charms Millions,” The Boston Globe 1927 “Abloom in New England.”

Trillium – 1 clipping of image.

Triticale – 7 items, including Scientific American 1974 “Triticale,” The Financial Times 1976 “Out of the lab and onto your place: a revolutionary new grain.”

Tropaeolum – The Gardeners’ Chronicle 1923 “Tropaeolum Tuberosum.”

Tropical Products Institute Newsletter – #25 February 1983, #24 October 1982, #23 May 1982, #22 December 1981, #21 October 1981, #20 April 1981, #15 August 1979.

Truffles – 11 items, including The New York Times 1982 “Truffles: Why Pigs Can Sniff Them Out,” The New York Times 1980 “Fresh White Truffles Arrive from Italy,” The New York Times 1980 “Farm to Table, the High Price of Truffles,” Cosmopolitan 1981 “Truffles: The Sexy Delicacy.”

Turpentine – 10 items, including a small pamphlet entitled “Facts worth knowing about turpentine” by the National Turpentine and Rosin Bureau.

Typha – 10 items, including The New York Times 1979 “Cattails Studied as Energy Source,” Nature Magazine 1927 “The Versatile Cat–Tail.”



See also: Clippings